Heavens Helpers Soup Cafe gets the first potatoes of the season from Basin’s Backyard Gardeners

Heavens Helpers volunteer Bobbi Jo and Tracie Bettenhausen show off this week’s Basin’s Backyard Garden donation.

The garden donations took a bit of a holiday slowdown this week. It’s bound to happen the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend.

This week’s 23-pound donation of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and zucchini went to Heavens Helpers Soup Cafe, a cafe that not only serves daily meals but also maintains a food pantry as well.

This week was the first time potatoes were part of the haul in 2021. Tracie Bettenhausen, Basin’s Backyard Garden veggie taxi driver, says the Soup Cafe was full of guests when she arrived with the produce over the lunch hour. “I know Mark Meier (founder of Heavens Helpers) and his team do a great job of using the produce they receive, and was so happy to drop off our donation today.”

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