A connection to purpose this week in Basin’s Backyard Garden

This week was our helper’s second special produce delivery.

Zara Laber, daughter of Shauna Laber, Basin Electric senior property and right-of-way specialist, is helping out for a few weeks this summer as a way to get some volunteer experience.

Our donation this week was a doozy – 102.3 pounds of fresh goodness!

We have a combination of both homegrown produce and store-bought food.

We donated cucumbers, kale, yellow and green zucchini, green beans, cabbage, acorn squash, herbs including cilantro, beets, grapes, tomatoes, bell peppers, and kiwi.

Zara took the donation to Trinity Lutheran Church. “We were welcomed by Pastor Lee Herberg at Trinity Lutheran Church with the bounty from the Basin’s Backyard Garden. He was very impressed with Basin Electric’s large vegetable donation and that it was a blessing,” Zara said. “When we were leaving we were approached by a gentleman who saw us deliver the food. He was waiting for the donation center to open, and I really felt connected to the purpose of getting the food to help this man, and by extension, our community as a whole. This showed me the value of the hard work of gardening as a family and combined with Basin Electric’s effort as a team to help get good, fresh vegetables to those who will benefit the most.”

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